Happy birding at Kande-cho


[ f5.6 ss1/500 iso 640 -0.3ev ]

Date: One day in March, 2022
Location: Kande-cho, Kobe City

Today, I took a bus in the morning to go birding at the Agricultural Life Center and Mt. Mekko-san in Kande-cho, Nishi-ku, Kobe City. Since plum blossoms had begun to bloom in March, I was hoping to take some pictures of plum blossoms and wild birds.

After getting off the bus, I headed to the Agricultural Life Center. Walking along the road surrounded by rice fields, I saw many wild birds.

[ f7.1 ss1/500 iso400 -0.7ev ]

[ f5.6 ss1/500 iso2500 +0.7ev ]

[ f5.6 ss1/1000 iso500 +0.3ev ]

The plum grove at the Agricultural Life Center was in full bloom and showed me beautiful flowers. Many birds seemed to be enjoying the nectar of the flowers.

[ f5.6 ss1/800 iso1000 -0.7ev ]

From there, I walked for about 30 minutes to the plum grove at Mt. Mekko-san. The plum trees there were still in the beginning of bloom and not many wild birds were seen.

[ f5.6 ss1/800 iso1250 -0.3ev ]

[ f6.3 ss1/1250 iso400 +3.0ev ]

It was a satisfying day, as I walked a lot and saw a lot of wild birds after a long time.

camera: fujifilm xs10
lens: canon ef 400mm f5.6

