Happy birding at Hokura Plum Grove


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Date: One day in February, 2022
Location: Hokura Plum Grove, Kobe City

One day in February, I went birding to Okamoto, Higashinada-ku, Kobe City. On this day, I wanted to take pictures of wild birds with plum blossoms.

After getting off the train at Okamoto Station, I headed for the Hokura Plum Grove. The first birds that greeted me on the way up was a flock of Japanese Grosbeaks. It was the first time I saw them, so I was very happy. 

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After that I was able to take pictures of Hawfinchs and Brown-eared Bulbuls. Brown-eared Bulbuls were seem to be more round than usual, probably because of the cold.

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As soon as I arrived at the Hokura Plum Grove, I spotted two male Red-flanked Bluetails. They seemed to be flying around and playing in the plum forest.

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On the way back, Red-Billed Leiothrixs appeared with a beautiful song. It was my first encounter with them. I was so excited and took pictures like crazy.

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I realized that I had taken very few pictures of the plum blossoms. But I was very satisfied with my birding this day.

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camera: fujifilm xs10
lens: canon ef 400mm f5.6

場所:神戸市東灘区 保久良梅林、岡本梅林公園
